Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation

When spray foam insulation is installed properly, it can dramatically lower utility costs. This is because the air seal created by spray foam allows significantly less heated and cooled air to escape from your home, thus keeping it comfortable and efficient. Some homeowners have seen energy savings of 30% to 70% with their heating and cooling bills.

Signs Your Home Needs Spray Foam Insulation by Georgia Insulation

Spray foam insulation impacts both conduction and convection, the two primary types of heat flow that affect your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. The air sealing qualities of spray foam create a custom fit between the wall and framing, stopping the transfer of heat in the winter and blocking it from leaving in the summer. Insulation that is not self-sealing, such as fiberglass, can let air move through it easily, causing your home to lose energy.

Another important benefit of spray foam insulation is that it helps to reduce outdoor noise. It is not completely silent, but it does help to cut down on the amount of outdoor noise that can be heard inside your home. This is a great benefit for homeowners who live in cities and want to enjoy the peace and quiet of their yards without hearing their neighbors.

Georgia Insulation
290 E Main St, Rutledge, GA 30663, United States
(770) 549-9561